Basalt (Bluestone)

Basalt (Bluestone)

Basalt – the word is said to have had an Ethiopian origin, meaning a ‘black stone’.
Basalt is an extrusive igneous stone formed from the liquid magma and molten lava that have flowed on the earth’s surface following a volcanic eruption. It is considered the most common rock type on Earth, and forms the crust under virtually all ocean beds.
Basalt is commonly very fine grained and generally dark grey, dark green, or black in colour. Due to the dark grey/blue toning of the stone, basalt has been commonly referred to as “Bluestone” in Victoria and has been used extensively as pavers in the Melbourne CBD since the 1800’s.
The holes that appear on the surface of basalt are as a result of gases escaping during the cooling process. It is part of the natural beauty of the stone.
Basalt is available in a range of sizes and configurations and is another ideal choice for residential and commercial projects.
The popularity of basalt pavers is due to:
• It is available in a large range of sizes and finishes
• “Bluestone” has been extensively used in Melbourne’s laneways and building
• Competitively priced against man-made replicas
• It is durable and hard wearing

Please find below our core range of Granite. Other colours, textures and finishes are available upon request.